Confidence you can trust
Patients deserve the highest diagnostic confidence in the shortest time. CytoVision delivers an integrated Cytogenetics imaging platform. The market leading platform, used in over 3000 laboratories worldwide, CytoVision provides the convenience of on-screen analysis with flexibility in hardware and software deployment.
Driving workflow efficiency
CytoVision gives you imaging applications all in one product, and all content in one case, achieving enhanced productivity through more efficient workflow management. Simplicity of use, combined with
clear process steps help ensure rapid deployment into full laboratory operation.
Designed, built and maintained by Leica Biosystems
At Leica Biosystems, we bring a unique combination of optical expertise and robotics to save you time and reduce costs through the automation of time consuming process steps.
From sample to answer, we leave you to concentrate on the important patient results. Rely on our global service organization to keep your mission critical systems online.
Save time and space
The Cytovision GSL family combines high throughput, 24/7 scanning with space-saving footprint. Slide prioritization allows critical patient cases to be fast-tracked without impacting on workflow.